Decision Tree
Generated by ChatGPT, leaving it here for my own reference
Let's consider a simple decision tree used by a bank to decide whether to approve or decline a loan application.
Decision Criteria
- Credit Score: High (700 and above) or Low (below 700)
- Employment Status: Employed or Unemployed
- Annual Income: High (over $50,000) or Low (under $50,000)
Decision Tree Structure
- Root Node (First Decision Point): Credit Score
- High Credit Score
- Low Credit Score
- Second Decision Point (for both High and Low Credit Score): Employment Status
- Employed
- Unemployed
- Third Decision Point (for those who are Employed): Annual Income
- High Income
- Low Income
- Leaf Nodes (Final Decision):
- Approve Loan
- Decline Loan
How the Decision Tree Works
- A loan application starts at the root (Credit Score).
- If the Credit Score is high, it moves to the next decision point (Employment Status)
- If the applicant is employed, the tree checks the Annual Income.
- If the income is high, the loan is approved; if low, the loan might still be approved or declined based on other criteria (not shown in this basic tree).
- If the Credit Score is low, the loan might be declined immediately, or it might move to the next decision point (Employment Status), where being unemployed would likely lead to a decline.
[Credit Score]
/ \
[High Score] [Low Score]
/ \ / \
[Employed] [Unemployed] [Employed] [Unemployed]
/ \ |
[High Income] [Low Income] [Decline Loan]
| |
[Approve Loan] [Approve/Decline based on other criteria]